Wednesday 6 March 2019

Orange silica

Orange Silica Gel

Silica gels are used as moisture absorbing solutions. Mostly they are used in food industries as well as in electronic devices manufacturing units. Silica gels have the capability to absorb moisture from the atmosphere and from the outer side of the materials. Therefore the goods and products become dry and its durability is increased.

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Silica gels are commonly available in three colors. White silica, blue silica, and orange silica gel. Actually, white silica gel is a non-indicating silica gel, which means, when the silica gel absorbs moisture and wet, it will continue to be white. This kind of silica gel is commonly used in the packet and these packets are mostly used with electronic devices.

Blue silica gel contains cobalt chloride, it is in blue color at the initial time and when it absorbs moisture it changes to pink color. When it changes to pink color means, it reached its maximized adsorption capacity. When it becomes pink, it can be reactivated with heat. When it returns to blue again, it is ready to use. Orange silica gel will also change the color when it reaches the maximum absorption level.

Blue silica gels are not useful in food products as a moisture absorbing solutions because cobalt chloride is poisonous. Orange silica gel consists of methyl violet. It has the capability to change from orange color to green or orange color to colorless.
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Orange silica gel is also toxic but it does have some medical advantages. Like blue silica gel, when the orange silica gel absorbs maximum moisture, it changes color from orange to green. The green color indicates it reaches to the maximum adsorption.

Most of the moisture-absorbing solutions can be reactivated. Similarly, orange silica gel can be reactivated by heat to dry it. When it turns to orange color, it is ready to use again. Moisture absorbing solutions increases the product life span by drying it out. therefore it uses mostly in cargos and shipping items.

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