Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Different types of silica gel

Different types of silica gel

WHITE SILICA GEL (Non-Indicating Type Silica Gel )

Silica gel is a good moisture absorber. It is available in 3 colors commonly. White silica gel, blue silica gel, and orange indicating silica gel. White silica gel is used for all normal applications. Orange silica gel and blue silica gel is mainly used in silica gel breathers.
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In white silica gel, all the particles are not impregnated with any kind of the indicating agent. If the silica gel is free from moisture the particles are transparent white. As they are put to use, the particles take up moisture, Silica Gel gradually turns little milk or hazy in whiteness. It doesn't have any reaction with other chemicals.

White Silica gel always has a higher capacity for Moisture uptake than any indicator type of Silica Gel. These can be regenerated in dryers or inside dehumidifiers. If the quantity is less, we can reuse it by de-hydrating it with a microwave oven. But if it is for industrial applications, the microwave option for de-hydrating is not possible.

All the moisture absorbers are used to protect goods from the damage by absorbing wetness from the surroundings of products. Mostly silica gel or desiccants are using in the cargo and shipping industries. While shipping the cargo boxes to long-distance destinations, there are more chances of getting damages to the products due to moisture content.

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For those applications, as a good moisture absorber silica desiccants are placing inside the cargo. It can protect the products from the container rain. This container rain will happen because of the climate change in different locations while the cargo is moving to the destination or due to humidity inside the container.

However, the capability of silica gel to absorb water is a great advantage for the shipping industries. Without any damage to the products, we can supply electronic goods, food products, machinery, and all other items for a long distance.

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